Happy happy fun fun HiSPeed's Nethack Helper; For all your priceid needs and more; Added Alchemy Helper; More Accurate than Clippy; Spoiler; Works offline! Thanks to Google not caring about meta tags any more this had to be added here. Have a great day.
Also this needs JavaScript...
I started my own nethack object identification script (by priceID'ing obviously) since I was uncontent with Clippy's results (or browsing the Object Identification Spoiler for the hundredth time in a game :)).
It started off with simply a little price-id'ing, but soon more goodies were added, like the alchemy helper (find out what potions you can get by using alchemy AKA dipping potions in other potions / items) and the corpse helper (find a monster that has intrinsic xxx or effect yyy).
As of now (2006-02-25) it's still under development (bugfixes and "design" issues mainly).
What to do
Found any bugs? Use the feedback link below!
Got any suggestions or feature requests? Use the feedback link below!
Wanna send me money? Use the feedb.. I think you got the picture by now :)
You can always contact me on irc.freenode.net, channel #nethack, nick HiSPeed (now who'd have guessed that one.. honestly ;)).
- Prices designated with ? are possible starting prices for the chosen prices.
- Prices designated with - are just stepstones on the way to those final (possible) prices.
When you are getting a price substantially more often (when selling) than another it's likely to be the not-over/undercharged one.. Use the lower price from the possible hits then!
If you keep getting weird prices while playing a Tourist, eg. a spellbook price that doesn't result in prices dividable cleanly by 100 maybe the nethack you are playing on wasn't compiled with the Tourist's price "enhancements" ;)
Appearances to be filled in automatically. |
Some links to related sites:
- The grandfather of Nethacking PriceID'ing Clippy (although it has some bugged prices et al)
- The NAO nethack server :)
- And - last but not least - the official Nethack Website
Greets fly out to the #nethack channel on Freenode in general and (in no particular order) to blindcoder (Mr. Nethack Idle-RPG, #nethack-idlerpg), cbus, Cheapy, CydeWeys, Eidolos (the nethack notekeeper man), ix_, itsblah, jilles (the walking nethack compendium), markos_64, moussambini, paxed, sacarasc, Shimei, SpeedEvil, tarzeau, Violist and -last but not least- Rodney :).
General guidelines regarding potions:
- cursed object + holy water = uncursed object, uncursed object + holy water = blessed object
- blessed object + unholy water = uncursed object, uncursed object + unholy water = cursed object
- undiluted potion + water = diluted potion, diluted potion + water = water
- scroll/spellbook + water = blank scroll/spellbook (unless mail)
- weapon + uncursed water = may rust
- any potion + itself / same type = no effect
Smoky / Milky potions:
Quaffing a smoky potion may lead to a djinn whereas quaffing a milky potion may create a ghost.
The probability for this is based on the number of djinns / ghosts already in the game, eg. for 0 djinns/ghosts, prob. 1/13; 1 djinn/ghost, prob. 1/15, 2 djinns/ghosts, prob. 1/17, etc..
The formula for this is: 1/(13+2*n) as a probability where n is the number of djinns / ghosts in the game already.
The following results may occur when a djinn is created by quaffing a smoky potion:
- A djinn may grant you a wish with a probability of 80/20/5 % (blessed, uncursed, cursed potion).
- A djinn may become your pet / stay as a peaceful monster / just vanish with a probability of 5/20/5 % (blessed, uncursed, cursed potion).
- Or it may be created as a hostile monster with a probability of 5/20/80 % (blessed, uncursed, cursed potion).
An attempt at alchemy AKA mixing two (non water) potions together can go bad with a probability of 10%.
If one of the two potions being mixed together is acid or cursed it'll _ALWAYS_ go bad.
- undiluted potion + other combination => 1/2 evaporates, 1/4 sickness, 1/8 random potion, 1/8 water
- diluted potion + other combination => uncursed water
Alchemy gone bad:
If your alchemy does go bad for whatever reason the following will happen:
- One potion of either stack will be lost in the process.
- Your character will breathe in the vapor of the dipped potion (which may result in damage done to your character).
- Your character abuses its strength.
Otherwise your alchemy will work and result in the following:
- One potion of the stack of potions you dipped _INTO_ will be lost.
- The stack of potions you _DIPPED_ into another will become another type of potion as laid out in the Alchemy Helper.
- The stack of potions you _DIPPED_ into another will become diluted and uncursed.